A man comes home from work Riddle Answer and Explanation

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Many people are frustrated because they couldn’t figure out the riddle A man comes home from work and says “honey, I’m home”. The microwave is on, defrosting a chicken dinner. From the bedroom his wife shouts “Hi sweetie, could you have a look at the microwave and tell me how much time is left?” He immediately runs out and calls the police, informing him that his wife is in danger. Why? answer?

This question is a messy question to see what people will answer.

This riddle is fascinating and remembers the messy question is to test your creative skills.

You can ask this riddle to your family and friends for fun because this riddle has a clever or amusing answer.

This riddle is tricky and a brain teaser meant for any school-level student and also for every individual of any age group.

The answer to a man comes home from work riddle answer is a The husband is blind because the wife will not ask him to look at the microwave and tell him how much time is left because she knows he can’t see. So when his wife asks him to look at the microwave for chicken and tell the time, the husband knows that something is going wrong that’s why the husband immediately ran outside and called the police.

A Man Comes Home From Work Riddle Answer

The husband is blind or another answer can be his wife is a vegetarian. when his wife asks him to look at a microwave for chicken, the husband knows that something is going wrong that’s why the husband immediately ran outside and called the police.

A man comes home from work and says “honey, I’m home”. The microwave is on, defrosting a chicken dinner. From the bedroom his wife shouts “Hi sweetie, could you have a look at the microwave and tell me how much time is left?” He immediately runs out and calls the police, informing him that his wife is in danger. Why?The husband is blind” or His wife is a vegetarian.

I hope you understand this tricky riddle a man comes home from work answer.


What are Riddles?

Riddles are tricky questions that you can ask your family and friends for fun that have a clever or amusing answer.

What are the benefits of riddles?

Riddles help you to use your brain differently. tricky questions create critical thinking and problem-solving skills which actually help raise IQ.

What is the answer to a man who comes home from a work riddle?

The first answer is “The husband is blind” and the second answer can be His wife is a vegetarian

What begins with T ends with T and has T in it?

The answer to this riddle is a Teapot.

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