SSC CGL Exam Pattern

SSC CGL (Staff Selection Commission-Combined Graduate Level) is a national level exam conducted by SSC in four stages called tiers: Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3 & Tier-4 exam, and this exam is held once a year.

As per the SSC CGL exam pattern, the first two tiers of the SSC CGL exam are conducted in online mode and the Tier-3 exam are conducted in offline mode which will be pen paper-based and the Tier-4 exam will be a Skill Test.

Let’s have a look at the SSC CGLTier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3 & Tier-4 exam pattern.

SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam Pattern

SSC CGL Tier 1 exam will be conducted in online mode and it’s multiple-choice based exam which comprising 4 sections and each section have 25 questions, a total of 100 questions will be asked and for every correct answer candidates will be get 2 marks and for every wrong answer there will be a negative marking of 0.5 marks and the duration for the SSC CGL Tier-1 exam is 60 minutes and 80 minutes for differently-abled candidates.

SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
English Comprehension Skills2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
General Awareness2550
General Intelligence & Reasoning2550

SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam Pattern

Candidates who clears SSC CGL Tier 1 exam are eligible to appearing for SSC CGL Tier-2 exam and Tier-2 exam will be conducted in online modewhich comprising 4 papers and each paper will have 200 marks in total and 2 hours durations of time for each paper.

In SSC CGL Tier-2 examfor every wrong answer there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks in Paper 2 and 0.50 marks in Paper 1,3 and 4. The name of Papers are Paper-1 Quantitative Aptitude, Paper-2 English Language & Comprehension, Paper-3 Statistics and Paper-4 General Studies- Finance & Economics.

Paper-1 (Quantitative Aptitude) and Paper-2 (English Language & Comprehension) are compulsory for all posts Candidates and Paper-3 (Statistics) will be for those candidates who are applying for the post of JSO (Junior Statistical Officer) and who are shortlisted in Tier-1 for this Paper and Paper-4 (General Studies- Finance & Economics) will be for those candidates who are applying for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officerand who are shortlisted in Tier-1 for this Paper.

PaperNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration
Paper 1 Quantitative Aptitude1002002 Hrs
Paper 2 English Language & Comprehension2002002 Hrs
Paper 3 Statistics1002002 Hrs
Paper 4 General Studies- Finance & Economics1002002 Hrs
Total5008008 Hrs

SSC CGL Tier-3 Exam Pattern

Candidates who clear SSC CGL Tier 2 exam are eligible to appearing for SSC CGL Tier-3 exam and SSC CGLTier-3 exam will be conducted offline via pen and paper mode and this exam is descriptive test which check candidates language proficiency, grammar knowledge, vocabulary usage, and writing skills in English/Hindi and also there will be no negative marking in the SSC CGL tier 3 exam.

SubjectSkillsMaximum MarksTime Duration
Descriptive paper in Hindi/English (Writing of Essay, Precis, Letter, Application etc)language proficiency, grammar knowledge, vocabulary usage, and writing skills in English/Hindi.10060 Minutes

SSC CGL Tier-4 Exam Pattern

Candidates who clear SSC CGL Tier-3 exam are eligible to appearing for SSC CGL Tier-4 exam which is a skill test DEST Test and CPT Test.

  • DEST (Data Entry Speed Test) – DEST test is conducted to check a candidate’s writing skills and candidates are required to type 8000 words in 60 minutes on a computer in English.
  • CPT (Computer Proficiency Test ) – CPT test is conducted to check a candidate’s proficiency in Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Generation of Slides.

FAQ Related To SSC CGL Exam Pattern

  1. Is negative marking applicable in SSC CGL?

    Yes, There will be negative marking of 0.5 marks for each wrong answer.

  2. What are the subjects covered in SSC CGL Tier-1 Syllabus?

    Candidates of SSC CGL exam have to prepare the following subjects for Tier 1 exam – General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Comprehension.

  3. What are the subjects covered in SSC CGL Tier-2 Syllabus?

    Candidates of SSC CGL exam have to prepare the following subjects for Tier 2 exam – Quantitative Ability, Statistics, General Studies (Finance & Economics) and English Language & Comprehension.

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